Palmdale Regional Medical Center Promotes Organ and Tissue Donation In Statewide Effort to Save Lives

This April, Palmdale Regional Medical Center once again promoted organ donation by flying a “Donate Life” flag in honor of organ, eye and tissue donors. The flag display is part of a national effort to bolster organ and tissue donor registries in April, which is National Donate Life Month. Hospital staff members rose a 3’-by-5’ flag to motivate our communities to consider the benefits of organ donation and joining the California Organ Donor Registry.
Events and Programs at SWH Palmdale
Learn more about monthly events like our Donate Life Flag Ceremony on our news page.
A small ceremony was held with key staff members and speakers from both Palmdale Regional Medical Center and the One Legacy organ donation organization on April 1. By flying the Donate Life flag, Palmdale Regional will not only be raising public awareness about donation but also honoring all of their past organ, eye and tissue donors who have saved or enhanced countless lives with their generous gifts.
“Organ and tissue donation can save and improve lives right here in our community, throughout the state of California and across the nation. Palmdale Regional wants to help drive that point home with this symbolic flag,” said Nana Deeb, Chief Executive Officer at Palmdale Regional. “Joining the Donor Registry gives hope to those in need of organ and tissue transplants, while leaving a legacy of generosity for the donor and his or her family.”
At present, tens of thousands of California residents are waiting to receive life-saving hearts, livers, lungs, kidneys and other organs and tissue. However, there are not enough donors to meet the growing need in the state, let alone the country. Those wishing to make the commitment to donate may register online at or its Spanish-language counterpart,